Thursday, August 8, 2013

More Oceanside Letters!

HAHAHAHA NICE!! great email!

Glad to hear you got the letter! I am not sure if i will be able to send you one this week so I will send you this one. I am glad everything is going good I shall read your letter soon from! I am sure it is great! But really, things are going really well here tons of miracles! Set a few dates last week so hopefully they will follow through! But really. I kind of mentioned this in my letter but we were just riding our bikes on Saturday and we stopped this guy to offer a card and he was just really nice! He was from Mexico and he said one day while he was in a small town in Mexico he had seen two missionaries and had asked them if they needed any water or food or to use the bathroom because it was kind of tough to do so in the town. Anyways that small experience in Mexico prepared him (Carlos) for us. Before we even offered to come by he told us to come by sometime and say hi. So we were able to set a return appointment with him right there! It was pretty amazing! tons of miracles! tons of contacts. Hopefully some of these people will follow through! This ward is awesome to! Oh ya and my bike is working great. We were also able to have Weekly Planning on our balcony looking at the ocean drinking smoothies ha ha. But really there were so many miracles. We were able to go on exchanges and teach this lady who set a date. But things are awesome. My companion is the bomb. Things are going great, and our Ward is awesome too! People are just being prepared. Let me know if you need anything! Love, Elder Thompson

Hello! I hope everyone's week was great! We had another week of some awesome miracles!!!! Oceanside is on fire. So many great things! It was just a great week! Me and my companion have been teaching a lady named Elise from Carlsbad about once a week since the switch. She wasn't to sure about the Joseph Smith thing, however she had stopped drinking green tea to obey the Word of Wisdom, so it was kind of interesting. Anyways she had called us 2 weeks or so ago to ask for some more imformation on Joseph Smith. So we brought a pamphlet of Joseph Smith and she said she would read that as well as the book of Mormon. We were kind of concerned to see if she would do it cause she was extremely busy. Well, the other day we were over there and we had brought what we thought was Joseph Smith the Prophet of the restoration DVD from Bishop (the hour long one) to watch with her to help her have a better understanding of who Joseph Smith was.However when we got there we realized it was the wrong DVD ha ha but it was a 12 min shorter version. So we watched that and it was pretty cool. The spirit was there, media is great! Afterwards, we asked her her feelings and if she had felt any peace. She said she had felt peace earlier when she was reading the Book of Mormon. We said "what?" ha ha. Anyways she explained that she had been cleaning and hurting really bad all over from Fibromyalga earlier that day. So she said she just sat down and started reading the pamphlet and the introduction to the book of Mormon (she had a desire to know-key) and she prayed, and within 3 minutes all the pain was gone. It was a crazy miracle. You could tell she had become converted herself, she knew what God was telling her. It was different now. it was a really cool experience, the spirit was strong. Miracles. It was pretty amazing. We just walked out and were like..Wow! We also were able to set goals as a mission for the number of baptisms by the end of December. We were also able to teach a family in our apartment complex yesterday (the husband is Less Active and the wife is a nonmember) and they are both from Benton, Arkansas! And I went to institute with the husbands sister! We were talking it up it was pretty crazy! We were talking about all kinds of stuff. We could relate very well. They are awesome and we were able to also watch the Restoration (19 minute one) DVD with them, which me and my companion are hoping to start implementing more in contacting, and they invited us back the spirit was strong. It was cool to see how we could relate when it was harder earlier. What can we say.. Arkansans... but really it was pretty cool to see how God had prepared me for people on our missions. Anyways they are awesome! Tons of miracles this week! We also contacted this lady yesterday who spoke Spanish, so we only could say a little but she was truly elect! We are called to bring to pass the gathering of the elect. And the elect here his voice! Pretty cool! so we must hunt and fish and hunt and fish and we will find the elect, if God is willing! We also talked to this guy on Saturday who invited us back before we even offered! Tons of miracles!! All to Heavenly Father! -Elder Thompson