Friday, June 21, 2013

June 11, 2013

Holy cow ha ha it sounds like you guys have been having fun! That is awesome you invited them to church!! and ha ha nice job selling younique! Fried Oreo and Fries Kool-aid?..nice! That song ¨Ill go where you want me to go" is so amazing, i love it so much. It is such a good song, it is so amazing.We just sang it a few weeks ago and it was just awesome because its grandpas favorite song also. And sometimes you just know..I am glad you guys had an awesome Sunday  You are an awesome missionary mom. It sure is an awesome scripture! Family room huh? Nice ha ha  You all are so funny! I love you all! Glad you guys have had such a great week! Sounds like fun! You guys are going to have a great summer! YOur emails make me laugh sometimes. 
   It has been another awesome week here! Next week we get to go to the temple! Lots of changes also throughout the mission! The new mission President will be coming in soon (July 2nd). We will be having a mission conference in a few weeks and there will also be transfers. President Cook is one of the most amazing people i have ever met. The new Mission President will be awesome! I think it is going to start heating up here in Temecula pretty soon! But it is still pretty nice here! Yesterday we were in a part of our area and we were looking for an investigators house. We hadn't been able to meet with him for a while. We could not find his house and i had not been there for a few months and only a few times for just a few minutes or less. And we couldn't find it. But, said a prayer and as we were driving out we went a different way and were literally guided right to his house! It was just right there! Great blessing, Heavenly Father guided us and there it was. Miracles. Life is either full of miracles or none at all. Last night i was reading a letter and thought about how glorious it must be to be in Gods presence. It must be amazing. The sacred grove is still sanctified almost 200 years later because god came. You can still feel a very strong spirit there. Anyways lots of changes and miracles Glad to hear everything is going so great there in small town Arkansas at the Thompson home!!

Oh ya, and, before i left i had some doc martin shoes. Could you possibly send those to me if it isn't to much to ask? :) That would be just so awesome! Thanks! if not that is OK too i was just checking.