Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hello from Temecula!!!

   This has been an AWESOME week here. Definitely a week of miracles in the gospel and in missionary work!

We met some people who wanted there Baby blessed on Sunday. They are awesome! We accidently ran into them a few weeks. The baby is 5 months old and we got to take part in that! HE is awesome and the family is cool too. The mother of the baby is getting baptized on May 4th! The day i was baptized! and she was born on April 6th also! Been having some cool discussions! Although, if it goes well that means that we are not converting but the spirit is. So not us.

Such a great week though! We met some great people! We also had a baptism last Saturday! She is a 14 year old girl whose parents were pretty less active for about 15 years or so. And long story short they started meeting with the missionaries after a member kind of hooked them up and here she is. I might send a pic if it will hook up. Anyways great stuff such a spiritual baptismal service! She got confirmed on Easter Sunday!

WE also helped a recent convert move out this week headed to Plano, Texas. He is funny, his name is Steve.

There are some GREAT members here! We had dinner last night with the Hribars, the WML and his wife who had invited a family over with us! They didn't make it but it still ended up great because they got other people to come also!

The work here is great! The members are beginning to grow and are already missionary Pro-active!!! So great! It has just been a great week!

We are also teaching a man named Billy Evans who is awesome! He is just kind of starting over.

President Cook is awesome also!

Our Easter service was sooo spiritual. There were sooo many people that showed up and a lot of LA's because of the baby blessing. It was just sooo amazing. Great talks and great musical numbers. The spirit was very strong.

We also have an appt with a less active later this week who is going to feed us some lunch.
Great things are happening here in Temecula, California! The Lord has opened doors!

Have a good week thanks for everything!

-Elder Thompson