Monday, February 10, 2014
Great week!! Sooo many miracles! We are teaching a girl from Arkansas (Pine bluff) who is a friend and nieghbor of one of our members and she and her daughter are good friends with alot of people in the ward. They both came to church yesterday!! Because there niegbor invited them because he was speaking and he gave a GREAT talk! He talked about "who we really are" sons and daughtersa of God. He shared the ugly duckling story in his talk and answered the three questions : Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? He did such a great job at explaining it and speaking from the heart, you could tell he had prepared and was sincere, the spirit was definatley there. He is a very awesome man. But they liked church. Right when they got there we went and sat them down and suddenly she saw her friend who is also LDS and her friend took her under her wing and everything else, took her to all of the classes, showed her around and everything else. We didnt even have to do anything! She sat by her, explained everything- it was great! Then her daughter also had a friend there and her mom came in the second hour to see if she would like to leave and her daughter said she didnt even want to! The ward did such a great job. We talked about it alot in Ward Council about how we would help them feel welcome and how we would get her daughter integrated. I should rephrase that though, it was more like they talked about it during ward council. The Bishop did sucha great joba t encouraging coniciling anad because of that each auxillary was coming up with ideas on there own. Our ward mission Leader is so good he barely said anything. We saw the importance of counseling yesterday in Ward Council. I think alot of Ward Councils know what to do but not how to do it. Similarly members know they should share to Gospel but they simply dont know how to do that. You can do it online, in a conversation, over dinnner, at an activity. Anyways, lots of miracles it has been a good week! It is amazing to see heavnenly Fathers hand in all of it. He puts you and someone else with you right where he needs you and when he needs you there. It is great. Last week we went to a Less Actives to Home teach with a recent convert in the ward named Bro. gilman. Anyways the guy we were hometeaching ended up almost having a heart attack right there in the middle of the blessing. Coincidence that Bro gilman, an EMT was assigned as his home teacher? Or that he just happened to be there at the moment that it happened doing his duty by home teaching? Or that there was just enough of us there to give him a priesthood blessing? I think not. Heavenly Father does ALL of this work.
We also had a zone training meeting this week on prayer and scripture study. Yesterday while we were at a members house eating we shared 3 Nephi 27: 1-2 about the blessings of being unified in prayer and fasting ( the disciples came together inprayer and fasting and as a result Jesus Christ came to them and asked "what will you that i shall give unto you?") . We went on to share Joseph Smiths 1st vision. As we were wrapping up there son pointed out that Jesus Christ immediatlye asked what he should do to help. It remeinded him of the scripture in Docterine and Covenants "I the Lord am bound when ye do what i say, but when ye do not what i say, ye have no promise" Because the disciples were unified in doing what heavenly Father had asked Jesus Christ had to appear to them and help them. he had to do it because they did what he asked. Now i am definately not perfect, nor will i be anything close to it in the furture haha but it is a cool promise. They were obedient, so Jesus Christ helped them out as always. Anyways that was his inspiration i just thought i would share a little of that with you.
Have a good week!
Elder Thompson