Monday, September 30, 2013

September 2013 Carlsbad, California

 Great week! SOOO many miracles! Our ward is coming together! Great to hear about the AWESOME missionary work going on! I hope kyren gets baptized that is soo awesome! You guys are on FIRE! That is great! we will pray! SOOO Awesome i hope they go to the cookoff! That is just sooo GREAT job to Zach and everyone awesome!! Haha, the crew. That is so great you guys have such great lessons with the spirit in seminary!! woohoo! Just send me some gummies and new about kyren. That is just soo great really, awesome. Oh and some granola. Sounds like the Branch is on FIre! Great job!
   So Had a great transfer meeting! My new companion is 18ys old. Elder Bowman from Mesa, AZ! Awesome companion! They also doubled the missionaries in the ward so the work is going! The other Elders in the Ward are Elder Peterson and Elder Mickelsen from Lehi, Utah and Nebraska. I went to Elementary school with Elder Peterson and Elder Mickelsen and Elder Bowman were comps in the MTC. The ward is awesome though, our Bishop is really good at getting everyone together to do missionary work. Last wednesday they held a mutual night on missionary work and got the youth thinking more missionary minded. Then on sunday they used the 5th Sunday for missionary work. The ward is awesome! Great members! Lots of cool people coming out of no where! Ltos of awesome miracles we have been seeing everyday everywhere. Especially when we bring a member out to teach with us as we did the other night. A member has come out with us almost every night since we split. We are teaching a few people and there are a lot of people the members know and alot of people on the streets! Things are going REALLY good! What more can i say? :) Anyways i hope everyone is having a good time and reading some awesome scriptures and casually talking to some friends about the Gospel it can change there life! There were alot of nonmembers at sacrament meeting yesterday for the primary presentation, even the mayor showed up. It just takes a casual invite just try it:) It is all HEavenly Father :)ANyways have a good week!
-Elder Thompson