Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Powerful Zone Meeting in Carlsbad, California

To Mom:

 Wow! Cool! Its ok sounds like you have been busy! That is awesome we have people moving to Arkansas haha and great about your awesome missionary work.
It has been a great week here in Carlsbad! Too many miracles to count again. I wouldnt know where to start. We are teaching a family of four and we have an awesome return missionary named ryan that drives us everywhere we need to go. We have an amazing zone. We had a very powerful Zone Training Meeting yesterday on finding, teaching, and baptizing! It was also on inviting people to be baptized right after the 1st vision is shared. When they are "pricked in there hearts" as were the people peter taught. We also, at that meeting watched a powerful video for mission presidents from Elder Eyring and Elder Holland on the atonement and missionary work. It was great. This is a great time to be a missionary! So last night we implemented the training by asking a Less Active to come to church right after the 1st vision. It worked. We also ate dinner at President Kendricks house last night that was fun, very ordinary people yet still he shared a message that was very powerful. I have a great companion he is really starting to take the lead. Last Sunday we went to our investigators house however he was not there. His mom is Less Active and the husband has not been a member although he went to BYU and use to go to institute. He has been clear with others that he is a different religion however he has seemed very opened to us and very nice. So we challenged him to read the Book of Mormon because we told his wife while he was in the room how powerful it is. Obviously Heavenly Father had that message prepared just for them. So he is downloading the Gospel library and listening to it on the way to work now hopefully cool stuff. Many a miracle is coming from Heavenly Father. They just keep happening..and happening ...and happening! 

I hope everyone is having a great week and focusing on reaching out to the "one" between now and Christmas! (Elder Ballards talk)

Have a wonderfulday mother and tell jules hi also.

Oh and sorry for money. I may have to by another pair of shoes or something but hopefully not.

Elder Thompson